A New Technology – TIRS Terminal Interruption of the Reflux Source

The treatment of venous ulcers continues to be a challenge. Compression therapy helps to prevent recurrence but fails to heal ulcers. Now, Vein Solutions has introduced a new technique to heal Venous Ulcers: Terminal Interruption of the Reflux Source (TIRS).

This technique targets the terminal source of reflux. Venous ulcers develop because of the venous hypertension at the level of the ulcer. The TIRS procedure targets the venous hypertension, thus allowing healing to occur.

This method is done in our rooms. Under ultrasound guidance, a Fibro vein foam is injected into a venous branch or branches in close proximity to the ulcer bed. The branch may course under the ulcer or lead directly to it. There can be more the one branch that can cause the venous ulcer, and that is why the follow-up visits are so important. Some patients need 2 or 3 TIRS procedures to achieve venous ulcer healing.

Rapid healing starts immediately, and average healing time is 6 to 8 weeks. Post-procedure the patient must wear compression stockings and use specific wound care products to keep wound clear from infection.

We have treated patients who had ulcers for 40 years, and after this procedure, were healed in 8 weeks.


Venous Ulcer Symptoms

The beginning stages of venous ulcers are often ignored or misdiagnosed. Venous leg ulcers often first look like red, irritated skin or rashes, but they develop into open wounds. They can be identified by closely observing the appearance of your legs.

Some venous ulcers are tender and may produce a small amount of discharge. Cracked, dry, or reddened skin is among the first signs of a venous ulcer. Common symptoms that accompany venous leg ulcers include:

  • Itchy, scaly, dry skin on the legs
  • Hardened skin around the ulcer
  • Heavy feeling in the legs
  • Red, purple, or brown color on the skin
  • Swollen and enlarged veins on the legs
  • Cracked or dry skin that may open up
  • Swollen ankles
  • Unpleasant and foul-smelling discharge from the ulcer

Venous Ulcer Stages



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