
It is estimated that more than 9 million South Africans suffer from some form of venous disorder. While some people seek treatment for cosmetic improvement, many seek relief from pain. Luckily, help is available. Phlebology is the field of medicine that deals with vein diseases and disorders. While phlebology has been an established medical specialty in Europe for more than 50 years, serious interest in phlebology has only developed over the past 3 years in South Africa.

The American College of Phlebology was founded in 1985 and is the largest phlebology society in the United States. The ACP was established to improve the standard of patient care related to the treatment of vein disorders. Members are physicians with backgrounds in a variety of medical specialties who share common interest and expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of vein disease. Dr Gideon van Wyk is a member of ACP.

  • Since most veins lie deep below the skin’s surface, vein disorders are not always visible to the naked eye.
  • If you suffer from varicose and spider veins, you are not alone.
  • Every fifth pharmacy customer is looking for help regarding leg-related disorders.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the most severe acute venous disorder, affects 1-2% of the population every year.
  • The risk of developing a leg ulcer in your life, the most serious form of chronic venous disorder, is 1-2%.
  • Thanks to early diagnosis, the occurrence of serious complications has greatly declined in recent years.
  • It is important to note that isolated cases of vein thrombosis and untreated varicose veins are associated with a disproportional increase of vein related problems as age advances.
  • Although veins and arteries are both part of the circulatory system, they work in very different ways from each other.



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